Buy Alarsin Fortege Tablet at Best Price Online
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An Ayurvedic concept in the management of
Asthenia (nervous, muscular, sexual)
Stress and Strain of modern Rat-Race
Positive Advantages of Fortege:
Fortege ingredients help to tone-up Genito-Urinary and Neuro-Glandular systems gradually.
Fortege helps in digestion, assimilation and morning evacuation. Helps in decongestion of prostate.
Fortege keeps one alert and fresh. Does not create the vicious circle of Stimulation, Exhaustion, Depression which leads to loss of confidence and chronic Fatigue.
Fortege breaks up psycho-somatic circles at various points and reduces hyper-excitability of higher and lower sex-centers. These factors relieve "Fatigue" and helps normal sex performance.
In Females : can be safely given in Menopausal syndrome, Frigidity, house wife fatigue.
Improvement in sperm count and Motility observed in 3 months of starting the treatment.
SAFE: Non-hormonal, devoid of side effects of commonly used androgens
Sperm count can be improved from 5-10 million/ml to 50-60 million/ml. Motility from 10% to 60%
Semen Volume increases from 0.5 ml to 3 ml or even more.
In Asthenia (Fatigue), Stress, and Strain: 1-2 tablets 3 times a day for 4-6 weeks.
As Geriatric tonic : 1-2 tablets twice a day.
In Males : in functional impotence: 2 tabs thrice a day for 6 months
In Females : Menopause syndrome, Frigidity, House wife Fatigue: 2 tabs twice or thrie a day for 1-6 months.
In Male Infertility : Oligospermia, Poor motility: 2 tabs thrice a day for 3-6 months or till wife conceives.
Jeevanti, Kamboji, Kaucha beej, Suddha kuchla, Samudra Shokla beej, Vardhara beej, Ashwagandha, Laving, Piper, Vacha, Kali-mirch, Sunth, Chinikabab, Akarkara, Safed chandan, Jayphal, Javantri, Varadhara mool
Side Effects:
Non-hormonal, devoid of side effects of commonly used androgens.