Tablet/Vati - Buy Best in Quality Tablet/Vati Products Online

4% off

Dhootapapeshwar Agnitundi Vati

Rs.1,757 Rs.1,830
4% off

Dhootapapeshwar Amarsundari Vati

Rs.1,391 Rs.1,449
4% off

Dhootapapeshwar Amavatari Rasa

Rs.1,572 Rs.1,638
4% off

Dhootapapeshwar Arogyavardhini Vati

Rs.331 Rs.345
3% off

Dhootapapeshwar Bolbaddha Rasa

Rs.92 Rs.95
3% off

Dhootapapeshwar Brahmi Vati Buddhivardhak

Rs.235 Rs.242
3% off

Dhootapapeshwar Chandrakala Rasa

Rs.146 Rs.150
5% off

Dhootapapeshwar Chandraprabha Vati With Loha Shilajatu

Rs.105 Rs.111
4% off

Dhootapapeshwar Ekangveer Rasa

Rs.199 Rs.207
4% off

Dhootapapeshwar Gandmala Kandan Rasa

Rs.1,705 Rs.1,776
4% off

Dhootapapeshwar Garbhapal Rasa

Rs.139 Rs.145
4% off

Dhootapapeshwar Kaphakuthar Rasa

Rs.119 Rs.124
4% off

Dhootapapeshwar Khairadi Gutika

Rs.77 Rs.80
4% off

Dhootapapeshwar Laxmivilas Rasa (Naradeeya)

Rs.3,351 Rs.3,491
4% off

Dhootapapeshwar Mallasindoor

Rs.134 Rs.140
4% off

Dhootapapeshwar Poornachandroday Makardhwaja

Rs.6,305 Rs.6,568
7% off

Dhootapapeshwar Prabhakar Vati

Rs.186 Rs.200
7% off

Dhootapapeshwar Punarnava Mandoor

Rs.164 Rs.176
7% off

Dhootapapeshwar Rajahpravartani Vati

Rs.137 Rs.147
7% off

Dhootapapeshwar Rasamanikya Rasa

Rs.3,085 Rs.3,317
7% off

Dhootapapeshwar Rasasindoor

Rs.106 Rs.114
Showing 1 to 21 of 140 (7 Pages)

Tablet/Vati - Buy Best in Quality Tablet/Vati Products Online

Tablet vati or vati is a preparation where different medicinal substances are used to make tablets (vati) and pills (gutika). The procedure of making vati is done either by cooking the powdered herbs with jaggery or guggulu or without cooking by maceration of the powder with any liquid like honey and guggulu and then it is rolled into pills. Ayurvedic pills or tablets are also commonly available and are very commonly used to get rid of various diseases. These are prepared from various herbs or minerals in the form of tablets. These are very helpful to get rid of common health problems from headache and diabetes to sexual health issues. Normally, the intake of the tablets or pills pose a great challenge to the person who is taking it because of its not so pleasing taste. But, vati or gutikas are the ayurvedic preparations that are and can be taken without making our taste buds bitter as these are quite palatable. Various health conditions in which ayurvedic vati preparation are used as follows;

-       fever

-       obesity

-       acne

-       eczema

-       dermatitis

-       edema

-       jaundice, which is a buildup of yellowish pigments in the blood

-       liver disorders

-       stomach ailments

-       lack of appetite

-       irregular bowel movements

Ayurveda mega store provides different and various preparation of vati and those are ;

-       Dabur Brahmi Vati

-       Unjha Gashar Vati

-       Unjha Shankh Vati

-       Dabur Vyoshadi Vati

-       Unjha Mehantak Vati

-       Dr Vaidya - Migraine Pack (Unmadvati - 72 Pills, Shardardaghna - 72 Pills and Amlapittavati - 72 Pills)

-       Dr Vaidya - Sound Sleep Pack - (Unmadvati - 72 Pills and Herbocool - 200 ML)

-       Dhootapapeshwar Brahmi Vati Suvarnayukta PremiumQuality Gold

-       Dhootapapeshwar Chandraprabha Vati With Loha Shilajatu

-       Dr Vaidya Amlapittavati Pills Pack of 3 (72 Pills)

-       Nagarjuna(Gujrat) Manjisthadi Ghanvati (Brihat)

-       Dr Vaidya Sandhivati Pills Pack of 3 (72 Pills)

-       Nagarjuna(Gujrat) Shilajitvadi Vati (S.u.)