Maharishi Herbal Artho Peace. Benefits: Relieves pain and reduces inflammation in arthritic conditions. Helps in reducing swelling by promoting blood circulation and its vasodilator ef..
Maharishi Herbal Abhayarishta. Benefits: Abhayarishta is a potent ayurvedic concoction. increases peristaltic movements of intestine and helps in bowel movement. It is used for treating a myriad ..
Maharishi Herbal ACI Peace. Benefits: Relives pain, discomfort and other symptoms caused by acid substance in the stomach. A mild laxative and tones up the mucus membrane. Protects from the bacte..
Maharishi Herbal Animo Peace. Benefits: Helpful in treating iron deficiency and anemia, specially during the pregnancy. Relieves weakness, exhaustion and irritability.Indications: Anemia due to: Iron ..
Maharishi Herbal Arjuna Extract Capsules. Benefits: Arjuna protects heart by its cardio-protective properties. It strengthens cardiac muscles. It improves blood circulation of the heart.Indicatio..
Maharishi Herbal Arjunarishta. Benefits: Arjunarishta is multiple herb restorative tonic prepared using natural fermentation method to manage cardiac function naturally with the clinically proven..
Maha Herbal Ashwagandha Extract Capsules. Benefits: Ashwagandha helps fight symptoms of anxiety and depression. It possess remarkable anti-stress and adaptogenic properties. It promotes mental an..
Maha Herbal Ashwagandhadi Churna.Benefits: Incredible testosterone booster, enhance Semen quality, endurance, and muscle strength. Highly beneficial in erectile dysfunction. Reduces the production of ..
Maha Herbal Ashwagandharishta. Benefits: Helps reduce cellular damage and promotes the immunity system in the body. Improves the mental strength by relaxing anxiety and fatigue. Beneficial for tr..
MahaHerbal Blood Detoxy Syrup. Benefits: Purifies blood, and improves skin conditions, such as acne, boils, rashes, blemishes and hives. Treats pimples and prevents skin allergies and itching bei..
Maha Herbal Brahmi Extract Capsules. Benefits: Brahmi is useful in enhancing memory and other positive mental faculties. It is nervine tonic, anxiolytic and adaptogenic. It helps in cognitive and..
Maha Herbal Cardio Peace. Benefits: Helps maintain blood circulation of the heart and strengthen the cardiac muscles. Tones up the cardio-vascular system and calms the nervous system. Experts diu..
Maharishi Herbal Chitrakadi Vati. Benefits: Chitrakadi Vati is a potent digestive stimulant medicine used for following healing properties. Aam Pachak (Detoxifier) Antispasmodic, Stomatitis, Carm..
Maha Herbal Chyawanprash. Benefits: Used as one of the best Nutrient to body and mind. It builds overall Health and Immunity due to its adapto-immuno-neuro-endocrino-modulator properties. It is o..
Maha Herbal Consti Peace. Benefits: It is excellent natural bowel regulator and relieves constipation. Ensures smooth evacuation without causing dependence. It is safe during pregnancy.Indication..