Alarsin Bangshil Tablet
Expected Delivery time 2-5 days
Bangshil Tablet
Genito-Urinary Tract Infections, Burning Micturition, Bladder Disturbances
Remarkable relief from symptoms with 2-3 days
Bacteriological clearance within 2-3 weeks
Bangshil overcomes the limitation of anti-biotics and sulphas in the successful management of
G.U.T. Infection
Advantages of BANGSHIL treatment:
In vivo: Bangshil seems to have both Bacteriostatic and Bactericidal effects.
In severe cases: Bangshil can be combines with urinary antiseptics as it improves bacterial susceptibility to antibiotics.
Safe drug for long term use : and for follow-up after specific treatment.
Sense of well being: Tones up the functions and defense mechanism of G.U. system. Improves general health amd gives a sense of well being.
Raises: General body resistance.
- Burning, Painful, slow, frequent micturition. Urethritis, Cystitis, Pyelonephritis, Pyelitis, Prostatitis, Crystalluria. (Phosphaturia, Oxaluria)
- In Females: Chronic vaginitis, asymptomatic bacteriuria of pregnancy, after instrumentation.
- Enlarged Prostate & Post-prostatectomy Syndrome: BANGSHIL + FORTEGE relieves hesitancy, frequency, urgency burning micturition.
- 2 tablets 3-4 times a day for 2-3 weeks. Then in reduced dose as necessary.
- In Acute cases : as an adjuvant 2 tablets three times a day
- Enlarged Prostate : Bangshil + Fortege 2 tablets each twice a day for 6 months or more.
Bang Bhasma, Shilajit, Makshik Bhasma, Chandan, Kasis, Tamal Patra, Dantimool, Nishotar, Vanskapoor, etc
Side Effects:
No Side Effects