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Buy Vasu Cutisora Oil at Best Price Online
$4.70 $4.80
Expected Delivery time 2-5 days
Vasu Cutisora Oil
Neem oil, Karanj oil, Haridra, Kali Mirch, Shwet Kutaj, Vasa, Kantakari, Guduchi, Chakramard, Katu Patol, Manjistha, Haritaki, Bibhitaki, Amalaki, Ushir.
Indications: Psoriasis.
Mode Of Action:
Cutisora oil contains potent anti-psoriatic herbs which are processed with medicinal herbal oils. In combination, these helps in subsiding psoriatic skin reactions like excessive scaling of skin, itching and red patches. Independent clinical trials suggests that it helps inhibit over reaction of cutaneous cells, reduce inflammation and regain normal skin texture. It also exhibits strong anti-microbial and anti-fungal activity, hence helps in preventing secondary skin infection.
Mode Of Application:
Wash affected part with warm water, pat dry and apply Cutisora oil 2 - 3 times a day.