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Buy Sukinn iFigure at Best Price Online
$14.85 $16.50
Expected Delivery time 2-5 days
iFigure Capsule is a unique herbal preparation that naturally promotes lipoysis and lipid excretion,inhibits fat accumulation helps mailtain healthy lipid levels and protect against obesity related complications and metabolic disorders. It is an agjuct in a regimen og weitht reduction based on exercise, behavioral modification and caloric restriction in the management of exogenous obesity for patients with an initial body mass index >30-27kg/m2 and helps reduce the other risk factors e.g. hypertension, diabetes and hyperlipidemia. The consumption of high-calorie fatty foods and sugary drinks accompanied by a sedentary lifestyle contributes to excess weith gain. These unhealthy behaviors could lead to becoming overweight or obese, putting individuals at risk for detrimental health outcomes.