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Buy Sri Sri Tattva Raktashodhini Arishta at Best Price Online
$5.82 $6.00
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Raktashodhini Arishta Syrup
Skin is one of the most important organ of the body and of the integumentary system . Blood impurities are a major cause for skin diseases. Purifying the blood (Rakta shodana) is a unique method in Ayurveda to get rid of the skin diseases. Palliative internal medications is one of the various blood purifying methods explained in Ayurveda. Sri Sri Tattva Raktashodhini is manufactured based on the ancient arishta preparation process. The exquisite herbs used in the preparations of this Arishta are well known for purifying the blood and cure skin diseases.
Therapeutic uses: jDr”kks/kd (Purifies blood), d.Mq (Itching), dq’V (All types of skin diseases including microbial infections) OkSo.Z; (Discoloration of skin), ;kSou fifMdk (Pimples/Acne vulgaris) fiRRk jDrtU; jksx (Diseases due to vitiation of pitta & Rakta).