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Buy Essenzaa Biocivas Syrup (Maximaa Proyurveda Biocivas Syrup) at Best Price Online
$2.30 $2.55
Expected Delivery time 2-5 days
PRODUCT BRIEF:Biocivas Syrup is created with the perfect blend of Probiotics useful in asthma and breathlessness conditions,provides relief in fever and sore throat,provides relief in Chronic Bronchitis.
INGREDIENTS AND BENEFITS: Vasika-Safest bronchodilator and expectorant. Surasa- Anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic. Kantakari-Useful in asthma and breathlessness conditions. Yasthimadhu -Provides relief in fever and sore throat. Banafsha-Anti-inflammatory and anti-biotic action. Vishvabhesaj-Anti-bacterial and useful in conditions of cold and cough. Haridra-Boosts overall immunity. Satksheera Powder(Contains Probiotics)- Inhibits pathogenic bacteria.
INDICATIONS:Helps in Productive & non-Productive Cough,Bronchial Asthma,Smoker’s Cough,Chronic Bronchitis.
DOSAGE: One to two teaspoonful thrice a day or as directed by the Physician. Adults: 10 ml thrice daily,Children: 5.0 ml thrice daily,Infants: 2.5ml thrice daily.
PACKAGING: 100ml bottle
MANUFACTURER: Maximaa Proyurveda