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Buy Jolly Tulsi-51 Natural Immunity Booster at Best Price Online
$5.56 $5.85
Expected Delivery time 2-5 days
Jolly Tulsi-51 drops is rich Anti Oxidant, Anti Aging, Anti Bacterial, Anti Viral, Anti Septic, Stimulant, Demulcent, Diuretic & Carminative. It helps to restores the natural suppleness of all skin types. Keep your whole family healthy by using Tulsi Drops.
it will increase your immunity and kill your diseases. it is Natural Immunity Booster without any side effects. If you take few drops of Tusli Drops daily you may feel Relief from several Diseases. Tulsi Drops balances the refining touch of Tulsi and other herbal ingredients, to calm the skin and the senses.
Each 10ml Contains Dst. of :
Ingredients Latin Name
Vishnu-Priya Ocimum sanctum 2.5ml
Rama Tulsi Ocimum gratissimum 1.5ml
Kala Tulsi Ocimum canum 1.5 ml
Bisva Tulsi Ocimum basilicum 2.0 ml
Basil Sweet-Lemon Ocimum citiodorum 1.0ml
Base q.s
Benefits :
Tulsi Increases Your Stress Resilience. The best part of Tulsi is that it is one of the most effective adaptogens (an agent that helps the body adapts more efficiently to stress) ever known.Tulsi reduces the intensity and negative impact of stress caused by Mental tension, Emotional difficulties, Poor lifestyle habits. Naturally. Tulsi's protective actions against stress help prevent the onset of illnesses that come with living at a faster, frenzied pace.
General debility : Tulsi has all the vital nutrients that are required for the body. It has excellent antioxidant properties and help in strengthening cells, tissues, organs of the body
Sexual problems: Tulsi has a lot of vital nutrients that are requirement by body for maintain performance, vitality, stamina. hence regular use of Tulsi drops will maintain the sexual strength
Aging Effects : Daily intake of Tulsi drops may delay process of aging by strengthening the cells of the body
Fever and common cold : Tulsi drops are also having a good germicidal agents and a disinfectant & protects the human body from all types of viral infections, fever, malaria and dengue
Cough and Respiratory Problems : It helps to mobilize mucous in bronchitis and asthma attacks. It is an effective remedy against bronchitis, asthma, influenza, cold and sore throat. Tulsi drops also cures cough and flu
Kidney stone : In case of renal stones, the consumption of Tulsi drops mixed with honey may helps removes these stones through the urinary tract. Tulsi have also strengthening effects on the kidneys
Uric Acid : Tulsi being a detoxifying agent can also helps to reduce uric acid levels
Heart Problems : Tulsi also contains Vitamin C and other anti-oxidants such as Eugenol which protects the heart from harmful effects of free radicals, maintain blood pressure, and reduces cholesterol
Children's ailments : Common paediatric problems like cough, cold diarrhea and vomiting respond favorably to Tulsi drops. If a baby is given Tulsi drops regularly before teething, it helps grow teeth easily without any of the usual teething troubles. Massaging the gums with a mixture of Tulsi drops and honey will also help. Giving children a mixture of Tulsi drops and honey helps bring relief to cough and sore throat too. Warm Tulsi drops gets rid of the worms in the stomach
Teeth disorder : The drops are also useful in treating teeth disorders. When mixed with mustard oil it can be used as a tooth paste. It maintains the health of the gums and helps to counteract bad breath, pyorrhea and other dental problems. This tooth paste can also be rubbed on the gums to hinder gum inflammation. Tulsi is also used as a mouth wash to relieve tooth ache. Tulsi is an excellent mouth freshener and oral disinfectant and destroys 99% of germs and bacteria found in the mouth.
Stomatitis : These drops mixed with water by doing gargles are quite effective for several mouth infections like ulcer
Headache : Tulsi drops are a good medicine for headache. drops mixed with sandalwood paste can be applied on the forehead for relief from headache
Eye disorder : Tulsi drops are an effective remedy for sore eyes. Two drops of Tulsi can work wonders for the eyes.It soothes eyes and reduces stress. Also it can protect from conjunctivitis, boils and other problems of the eyes which are caused mainly due to bacterial and fungal infections by washing eyes with water mixed with Tulsi drops
Stomach problems : Several stomach problems like acidity, constipation and flatulence can also be treated with Tulsi drops. Tulsi supports digestive system and makes you feel less bloated and more comfortable. It also helps people suffering from vomiting and lack of appetite
Diabetes : Tulsi is one of the many herbs that help to control blood sugar level in a person. It helps in reduces the blood sugar level
Pain relief :Tulsi plant acts as COX-2 inhibitor that aids in painful medical condition. Some Compounds found in Tulsi helps to ease inflammatory and neurological pain. Tulsi is also used in the treatment of skin ulcers, cuts and wounds because of its beneficial antiseptic and healing properties
Lung disorder : Several compounds present in Tulsi like Vitamin C, camphene, Eugenol are beneficial in lung congestion. They have proven to be effective in healing damage caused by smoking, tuberculosis etc
Insect bite : This herb also prevents insect stings and bites.Drops should be applied on the affected areas and repeated after a few hours. drops are also effective in case of bites of insects and leeches. It will completely eliminate the effects of poison. Apply it on the area of the sting and it will cure the problem. The pain caused by the sting can be reduced by drinking Tulsi drops and also by applying it on the sting
Quit smoking : Tulsi drops immensely support if you are trying to quit smoking. It is more helpful than nicotine gums and candies which claim to keep you distracted from your need of smoking. Keep Tulsi drops in your pocket and munch (chewing), whenever you feel the urge to smoke.The Tulsi drops will cool your throat just as the mint drops do and chewing will distract you. The anti-oxidant will actually help you to undo the damage done by years of smoking
Skin care benefits of Tulsi : These wonder drops have proved themselves to be one of the best medicine for its Antiseptic, Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal compounds and Purifying qualities, which help to prevent skin diseases. It helps in maintaining a healthy skin and shiny hair
Continued oral consumption of Tulsi drops is believed to cure all skin diseases. Tulsi also works very well on scabies, eczema, acne and pimples, when applied directly on face and taken orally, it purifies the blood from toxins and prevents appearance of acne, pimples and also removes dark spots from the face. This remedy will not only help eliminate pimples but will also impart an instant glow to the skin. It will smooth & tone the skin which makes you look younger and fresher with a radiant glow.
Tulsi drops and Besan is a popular pack to get rid of scar marks. Skin whitening effects of besan lightens the appearance of scars and black spots and Tulsi kills the bacteria that lead to acne
A paste made of Tulsi drops along with sandalwood paste and rose water can be applied on the face as it helps to prevent inflammation
Skin with blemishes can also be benefited with Tulsi drops. Make a face pack using one egg white and Tulsi drops paste. Then rub the mixture gently on the face particularly on the infected areas of the skin. Wash off the face pack after 20 minutes scrubbing it gently. The egg white used will tighten the pores while the Tulsi drops will disinfect the skin and prevent infections which cause pimples and acne.
Application of Tulsi drops on the boils is beneficial and gives relief too. This promotes quick healing.
Apply Tulsi paste for relief from skin irritations caused due to plucking of the hair. Rubbing Tulsi drops on areas of itching gives quick relief. Itching, ring worms can also be soothed by applying a mixture of Tulsi and lemon juice
Apply the Tulsi drops on wounds and cuts. Pain due to burns can be alleviated by applying equal amounts of Tulsi juice and coconut oil mixed in it
Dose : Take 1 drop of Jolly Tulsi-51 in a glass of water/Tea or Lassi 4-5 Times a day.
Hair Care benefits of Tulsi : One of the major causes of dry & damaged hairs, hair loss is dandruff and dry scalp. Add a small quantity of Tulsi drops to regular carrier oil like coconut oil and massage well on your scalp. Tulsi helps to improve the blood circulation and keeps your scalp cool reducing itchiness and dandruff and promotes hair growth, Tulsi drops is a wonder herb which works well as hair moisturizer for shiny hairs and to achieve lustrous shiny and healthy hair.