Buy Dhootapapeshwar Trivanga Bhasma at Best Price Online
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Dhootapapeshwar Trivanga Bhasma
Trivanga Bhasma is manufactured by the combine Bhasmikaran of 3 Shuddha metals viz. Naga, Vanga & Yashada in equal quantity. It shows special influence on all dhatus from `Rasa’ to `Shukra’. It is excellent Vajikar, Jananendriya balya & Shaktidayak. Helpful in female infertility by strengthening the entire reproductive system.
Ingredients - Trivanga Bhasma Prepared using Shuddha Naga, Shuddha Vanga, Shuddha Yashada, Shuddha Parad, Shuddha Haratal, Shuddha Gandhak & Nimbu Swarasa • Standardised & most potent being `Paradmarit’ • Most efficacious & safe due to Amrutikaran Sanskar • Found Safe from Acute & Chronic toxicity in Animal Studies
Indications - Prameha, Napunsakata, Indriyadourbalya, Ejaculatory Dysfunction, Shwetapradar, Garbhasrava, Garbhapata, Dourbalya, Vandhyatva, Raktapitta, Kasa, Shwasa, Agnimandya
Dose - 1 to 2 tab. (125 to 250 mg) 2 times a day with honey or butter
Pack size - 10 gm