Dhootapapeshwar Triphala Guggul
Most effective due to Triphala Vishesh Shodhit Guggul. Triphala which has Lekhan property, eradicates vitiated Kleda, Meda. Useful in complications developed in Medoroga (Obesity), like excessive perspiration as well as Shukraksheenata (Sexual weakness). Helps in Arsha by reducing Mansankur and related Shotha, due to Shothahar activity.
Ingredients - Haritaki 1 part,Bibhitak 1 part,Amalaki 1 part,Pippali 1 part,Triphala Vishesh Shodhit Guggul 5 parts
Indications - Sthoulya, Arsha, Bhagandar, Shotha, Nadivrana, Koshthagata Vatavikar, Vrana, Kotha
Dose - 2 to 4 tablets 2-3 times a day or as per disease with Maharasnadi Kwath, Abhayarishta or lukewarm water