Buy Dhootapapeshwar Mahalaxmi Vilas Rasa Premium Quality Gold at Best Price Online
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Dhootapapeshwar Mahalaxmivilas Rasa (Gold Preparation)(Premium)
As watering at the root of a dry tree, makes it green and leafy again, similarly Mahalaxmivilas Rasa brings back the life in a weak or diseased body. This is the best drug in various cardiovascular disorder as it enhances proper functioning of heart and lungs being Cardio protective.
Ingredients - Suvarna Bhasma 1 part, Abhraka Bhasma 16 parts, Shuddha Parad 2 parts, Shuddha Gandhak 8 parts, Vanga Bhasma 4 parts, Tamra Bhasma 1 part, Shuddha Hartala 2 parts, Kapoor 2 parts, Jatiphal 2 parts, Jayapatri 2 parts, Shuddha Dhatturbeej 4 parts, Vruddhadaru beej 4 parts
Indications - Dushta Peenas, Headache, Pratishyaya due to climatic changes, Jeerna Pratishyaya, Nasal blockage, Rajayakshma associated with Kasa, Shwasa, Ansaparshwashoola, Moorchha, Bhrama, Mandanadi due to Hruddourbalya, Dourbalya and manda nadi occurring after Darun Jwara moksha, Pandu due to improper functions of liver, Pain and swelling in throat, Tonsillitis
Dosage - 1 to 2 tablets 1 - 2 times a day with honey, Chyavanprash, Pippali Choorna, milk or as per Rugnavastha
Size: 30 tablets