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Buy Dhootapapeshwar Abhraloha Tablet at Best Price Online
Rs.134 Rs.140
Expected Delivery time 2-5 days
Abhraloha is an excellent haematinic with the combination of Abhraka Bhasma & Loha Bhasma. It is extremely effective as Raktavardhak & Balya as it increases the Rasa and Raktadhatvagni. It is a supportive therapy for women from menarche till menopause. Abhraka Bhasma alleviates general debility & helps in formation of body tissue by maintaining their optimum quality.
Each tablet contains -
- Loha Bhasma 125 mg
- Abhraka Bhasma 50 mg,
- Amalaki 10 mg,
- Haritaki 10 mg
- Bibhitak 10 mg
- Shunthi 10 mg
- Marich 10 mg
- Pippali 10 mg
- Vidanga 10 mg
- Chitrak 10 mg
- Musta 10 mg
- Shatavari 100 mg
Indications - Pandu, Dourbalya, Anaemia during pregnancy & lactation, Menstrual disorders, Anaemia due to Kamala, Jeernajwara, Atisara, Agnimandya, Liver disorder
Dosage - 1 to 2 tablets twice a day after food with milk or lukewarm water
Packaging - 30 tabltes