Buy Baidyanath Drakshasava (Special) at Best Price Online
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Buy Baidyanath Drakshasava (Special) at Best Price Online

$7.14 $7.44
Product Code: Baidyanath/1026
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Expected Delivery time 2-5 days

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Ingredients: Munakka, Kababchini, Chaturjat, Laung, Jaiphal, Marich, Pipper, Piplamul, Chitraka, Chavya, Dhataki Puspa, Jaggery (Gud) etc. Indication: Stimulant, antipyretic, diuretic and diaphoretic. It is invigorating and nourshing. Used in phthisis, loss of appetite, cough and general debility More effective than Drakshasava. Reference: Proprietory Dosage:

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