Buy Baidyanath Akik Pishti at Best Price Online
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Buy Baidyanath Akik Pishti at Best Price Online

$3.20 $3.33
Product Code: Baidyanath/1070
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Expected Delivery time 2-5 days

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Ingredients: Akik (Purified) with Gulabjal as per text. Indication: Indicated in Rakta Pitta, Cardiac tonic. Useful in liver, spleen disorders.  
Buy Baidyanath Akik Pishti is an Ayurvedic formulation that is prepared from Akik, Ghrit Kumari ras. Akik Churna, is one of the main formulation of the medicine. It is Coolant in Nature, Cardiac Tonic, Heartburn, Headache, and reduces Eye Complaints. Proven results. Discount on Online products. Cash on delivery. Free Shipping ; 30 days easy replacement.

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