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Buy Ayurvedant Tulasi Capsule at Best Price Online
$5.37 $5.97
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upport supplement*.Supplied to Indian Army for personnel posted in high altitude approved by DRDO.
Tulasi is used in India from ages the earliest references are available in Rigveda which is said to be written between 3500 – 1600 B.C.
Ocimum sanctum yields both fixed oils (Palmitric acid, Stearic acid, Linolenic acid), volatile oils (eugenol, methyl eugenol) and flavonoids, viz., orientin and vicenin.
The fixed oils show good antibacterial activity. Ocimum sanctum Helps in respiratory congestion due to the presence of components like camphene, eugenol and cineole.
Administration of aqueous extracts of Tulasi in rats and sheep showed increase in antibody titer and widal agglutination tests thus demonstrating the stimulation of humoral system.
Administration of leaf essential oils in rats and sheep enhanced Immunoglobulin E (IgE).