5 Best Ayurvedic Supplements for Hypertension | Natural Blood Pressure Management

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Hypertension is a common yet serious health issue. Also known as high blood pressure, hypertension affects millions of people worldwide and can lead to severe cardiovascular problems if left untreated. While modern medicine does offer solutions in the form of prescription drugs, many are turning towards more natural alternatives like Ayurvedic supplements for hypertension due to no side effects. 

In this blog post, you will get to know the 5 Best Ayurvedic Supplements for hypertension that you can find right here at our store. Read on to discover the power of ancient healing practices combined with modern technology!

5 Best Ayurvedic Supplements for Hypertension

  • Sandu Stressan Tablets

Sandu Stressan Tablets is a popular Ayurvedic supplement that is gaining popularity for its ability to help manage hypertension. This herbal supplement contains natural ingredients like Ashwagandha, Brahmi, and Shankhapushpi which work together to lower blood pressure.

Ashwagandha herb is a known adaptogen that helps the body cope with stress while promoting relaxation. It can reduce cortisol levels in the body and improve cardiovascular health.

Brahmi or Bacopa monnieri has been used in Ayurveda for centuries due to its cognitive-enhancing properties. It has a positive effect on blood pressure by reducing anxiety and improving circulation.

Shankhapushpi or Convolvulus pluricaulis is a herb that promotes relaxation and reduces stress levels. It is particularly effective at lowering diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number) which is often more difficult to control than systolic.

Sandu Stressan Tablets are a safe and natural alternative for managing hypertension without harmful side effects commonly associated with prescription drugs.

  • Herbal Hills Trimohills

Herbal Hills Trimohills is a powerful Ayurvedic medicine that can help lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of hypertension-related complications. This natural supplement is made with potent herbs that support cardiovascular health.

One of the key ingredients in Herbal Hills Trimohills is Arjuna Bark, which has been used for centuries in Ayurveda to support heart function. This herb contains antioxidants and flavonoids that may help protect against free radical damage and reduce inflammation.

Another important ingredient in Herbal Hills Trimohills is Triphala, a blend of three fruits – Amla, Haritaki, and Bibhitaki. These fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals that can improve circulation, boost immunity, and promote overall well-being.

Other beneficial herbs in this supplement include Punarnava, Guggulsterones, Jatamansi, and Shankhapushpi. Together these herbal extracts make up an effective remedy for hypertension.

Take one or two Herbal Hills Trimohills tablets twice daily after meals or as directed by your healthcare provider to experience its benefits on your body.

  • Himalaya Brahmi Tablets

Himalaya Brahmi Tablets are one of the best Ayurvedic medicines for hypertension. This powerful herbal supplement helps to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression which also contribute to high blood pressure.

Brahmi is known for its ability to enhance cognitive function and improve memory. It also acts as a natural tranquilizer, helping to calm the mind and promote relaxation. These benefits make it an effective remedy for those suffering from hypertension.

The Himalaya Brahmi Tablets contain pure extracts of this herb, making them highly potent. They are also free from harmful chemicals and additives, ensuring that you get only the best quality product.

Regular use of these tablets can help regulate blood pressure levels naturally without any side effects or risks associated with conventional medications. Additionally, they can provide relief from other symptoms related to hypertension such as headaches and fatigue.

Himalaya Brahmi Tablets are a safe and effective way to manage hypertension naturally while promoting overall health and well-being.

  • Himalaya Abana Tablets

Himalaya Abana Tablets are one of the best Ayurvedic medicines for hypertension. It is a natural and safe remedy that helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels and normal blood pressure.

These tablets contain potent herbs like Arjuna, Guggulu, Shilajit, Yashtimadhu, and Indian Bdellium. These ingredients work together to regulate lipid metabolism and reduce bad cholesterol.

Moreover, Himalaya Abana Tablets also have antioxidant properties that protect the heart from free radical damage. This unique formula promotes cardiovascular health by improving blood circulation and reducing stress on the heart muscle.

What’s more impressive about these tablets is their ability to provide relief from anxiety and emotional stress. The calming effect of this herbal medicine helps reduce hypertension caused by psychological factors such as anxiety or depression.

Himalaya Abana Tablets are an excellent choice for those seeking natural remedies for hypertension management while promoting overall cardiovascular health effortlessly!

  • Dhootpapeshwar Hrudroga Chintamani Ras

Dhootapapeshwar Hrudroga Chintamani Rasa is a potent Ayurvedic remedy aimed at supporting heart health and treating various cardiovascular conditions. Its benefits are derived from a combination of herbal and mineral ingredients traditionally used in Ayurveda to enhance heart function and overall health.

It is one of the most effective treatments for heart disease and related symptoms such as hypertension or high blood pressure. This unique formulation of potent herbs helps maintain cardiovascular function, reduces cholesterol deposition, and strengthens heart muscles.

It is made with a unique blend of 15+ herbs, rasayan and Bahamas. Herbs like Jatamansi help maintain blood pressure, while Dashmoola relieves pain and irregular cardiac rhythm. 

This ayurvedic supplement also enhances blood circulation, ensuring that the heart receives an adequate supply of oxygen and nutrients. The formulation may help in lowering cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis. 

Its ingredients have antioxidant properties, which help protect the heart from oxidative stress and damage. The anti-inflammatory properties also reduce inflammation in the arteries to prevent blockages. 

Moreover, It also has a calming effect on the mind and body, reducing stress and its adverse effects on the heart.


Hypertension is a serious health condition that requires proper medical attention. Ayurvedic supplements for hypertension can be an effective way to manage high blood pressure along with a healthy lifestyle. Natural remedies have been used in India for centuries to treat various ailments including hypertension.

By incorporating these ayurvedic medicines into your daily routine along with a balanced diet and exercise program you may find relief from high blood pressure symptoms naturally.

Ayurveda Megastore provides the best Ayurvedic supplements for hypertension online globally. You can find top Ayurvedic supplements from brands like Sandu, Herbal Hills, Himalaya, and Dhootpapeshwar at a very cost-effective price.