Reasons Why You Should Use Abhrak Bhasma

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Abhrak is a Sanskrit word for Mica, a group of silicate minerals commonly used for many medicinal purposes, and Bhasma” refers to a type of medicinal preparation where metals, minerals, or gems are purified, processed, and calcined into ash-like powders.

Abhrak bhasma, a calcined preparation of mica, is used in Ayurvedic supplements for its rejuvenating and strengthening properties. It is believed to have many health benefits related to respiratory health, skin conditions, vitality, and digestive function.

Abhrak Bhasma is used in many Ayurvedic supplements that help combat the effects of acid reflux, providing relief from symptoms like heartburn and indigestion. 

Many brands manufacture Abhrak bhasma and use it as a vital ingredient in many Ayurvedic supplements. 

Dabur is one of the leading Ayurveda Products and supplements manufacturers in India and Dabur Abrak Bhasm is one of their top-selling Ayurvedic products.

Dabur Abhrak Bhasma is prepared by calcining mica in a furnace. It is used in the treatment of respiratory disorders, including asthma and bronchitis. It is also effective in treating digestive disorders, such as indigestion and diarrhea.

How does Dabur Abhrak Bhasma work?


Dabur Abhrak Bhasma is an Ayurvedic supplement that is used for the treatment of various diseases. The main ingredient in this medicine is abhrak bhasma, which is a natural substance made from the ashes of mica. This substance has been used in Ayurvedic medicines for centuries and is effective in treating many different ailments. 

Dabur Abhrak Bhasma works by helping to balance the three doshas in the body, which are responsible for our physical and mental health. It also helps to improve digestion and absorption of nutrients, as well as helping to detoxify the body. This medicine can be taken orally or applied topically to the skin.

Alternatives for Dabur Abhrak Bhasma


Dabur Abhrak Bhasma is a natural mineral supplement that has a wide range of benefits. However, many options are available for those who prefer not to take this supplement. Some of the most common alternatives to Dabur Abhrak Bhasma include:

  • Ayurvedic Herbal Supplements: Many Ayurvedic herbs can be used in place of Dabur Abhrak Bhasma. Some of these include Ashwagandha, Shatavari, and Amalaki.

  • Mineral Supplements: Many minerals used in Ayurveda have similar effects as abhrak bhasma and are available at Ayurveda Megastore. These can be taken in place of Dabur Abhrak Bhasma or in addition.

  • Dietary Changes: Changing your diet is another alternative to taking supplements. Eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, and increasing your water intake, can help improve your overall health.


How to take Abhrak Bhasama


It is a mineral-based medicine and works well to destroy pitta fire and Vata air from the body. It has been used for centuries on its own and mixed with other herbs to treat many diseases. It is widely used in herbal supplements to treat anemia, bells palsy, leukemia, sexual debility, fever from hepatitis, liver function, and loss of appetite.  


The most basic way to take Dabur Abhrak Bhasma is to mix 1 pinch of the powder with Honey after a light meal. This helps improve digestion. Abhrak bhasma is also mixed with other Ayurvedic herbs to make many supplements. 


Top Ayurvedic supplements that contain Abhrak bhasma are:


  1. Baidyanath Yogendra Ras Swarna Moti Yukta– Contains Abhrak bhasma and is very effective in dealing with diseases related to vata and pitta dosha, sperm disorders, nightfall, thinning of sperms, and premature ejaculation.


  1. Gufic Biosciences Rumastal Forte Tablets– Natural remedy to control viral fever, Helpful in acute and chronic pain associated with fever, and Helpful in joint pain and body aches.

  2. Zandu Rhumayog Gold–  Accumulates the inflamed joints’ synovial cells, and facilitates immunomodulatory activity. It helps slow down progressing rheumatoid arthritis by inhibiting PG synthesis in the body.

  3. Unjha Abhrak Bhasma Shastraputi– It is a rejuvenative tonic that nourishes all Dhatu and builds Vitality, promotes longevity by preventing aging, and makes the body young again.

  4. Kairali Duravin Forte Capsule– It acts as a natural aphrodisiac and provides strength and stamina in both men and women. Active ingredients like Abhrak Bhasma, Kaunchbeej, and Musli help strengthen the nervous system and are safe for long-term use without any hormonal effects.

  5. Sandu Debix Tablet – It is an effective supplement for people with diabetes. Improves glucose metabolism in the body, balances blood glucose levels, and supports the proper functioning of the pancreas. 




In conclusion, Abhrak Bhasma stands out as a potent Ayurvedic remedy with many health benefits. Its rich mineral content and unique processing method ensure it is both highly effective and safe. 


From enhancing digestive health and boosting immunity to improving mental clarity and promoting skin health, Abhrak Bhasma addresses a wide range of ailments. Additionally, its historical use and endorsement in classical Ayurvedic texts make it an effective and reliable remedy. 


To combat the side effects of modern lifestyle, adapting natural and holistic approaches to health can do wonders for your overall health. 

Ayurveda megastore aims to encourage the use of high-quality ayurvedic supplements like Dabur Abhrak Bhasma into their routine for substantial health benefits. Embrace the wisdom of Ayurveda with Abhrak Bhasma for a balanced and healthier life.