Obesity and Ayurveda: A Holistic Approach to Weight Loss

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Obesity is one of the major health concerns today, rapidly increasing and reaching millions of individuals of all ages. Excessive accumulation of fat, obesity is not merely a matter of appearance but a multifaceted disease linked with many health complications, such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and joint issues.

It is not merely an issue about looking good but being good from the inside. Obesity is one of the responsible factors for the growing number of lifestyle diseases in young adults. Though contemporary medicine has many alternatives to lose excess weight and cholesterol, they may not be the right approach to fight against Obesity. Ayurveda approach presents a natural alternative to obesity and reduce the risk of unwanted side effects and other chronic ailments born through obesity. Ayurveda offers a natural and comprehensive solution for overcoming obesity based on mind-body-spirit equilibrium. Ayurvedic weight reduction methods aim at individualized food selection, lifestyle modification, herbal supplements, and purging procedures.

In this blog, we will share the Ayurvedic viewpoint regarding obesity, why one tends to gain weight, and what the best Ayurvedic remedies are for long-lasting weight loss without medication.

Understanding Obesity in Ayurveda

Obesity and Ayurveda are like mortal enemies. Ayurveda describes obesity as a peculiar disease as its root cause is hard to diagnose and even harder to treat. Obesity is known as “Sthaulya” or “Medoroga,” caused by a disturbance in the three doshas of the body—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. 

An aggravated Kapha dosha is the main reason for obesity, resulting in excess fat deposition, slow metabolism, and water retention. Increased fat accumulation can easily trigger other ‘Sadhya and Asadhya Vyadhis’ in the human body. Obesity is considered one of the santarpanottha vikaras- a disease that occurs due to overnutrition or undernutrition- which eventually leads to metabolism disorders like diabetes, arterial blockages, organ failure, and increased risk of heart diseases. 

Causes of Obesity According to Ayurveda

Obesity is primarily a metabolic disorder. Due to regular consumption of an unhealthy diet, high-calorie food intake, or overnutrition, the digestive fire- Agni, becomes impaired. Result? Slower metabolism, excessive fat accumulation, low nutrition absorption, and ultimately, obesity. Other main causes of Obesity according to Ayurveda are:

  • Overeating junk food, processed food, and surgery items leads to weak agni and improper metabolism, causing fat accumulation.
  • Kapha dominance results in heaviness, lethargy, and weight gain.
  • Lack of physical activity promotes fat storage and slows down metabolism. 
  • Overconsumption of oily, sugary, and processed foods increases Kapha and leads to weight gain.
  • Stress, anxiety, and emotional imbalances contribute to overeating and unhealthy cravings.
  • Hereditary factors can also influence weight gain tendencies.
  • Other reasons include endocrine imbalance and other underlying health issues. 

Symptoms of Obesity

A little bit of weight gain is not considered obesity. Although it is good to stay fit, keeping a positive view of body image is equally important. Excessive weight is a matter of concern when:

  • Breathlessness and excretion after the bare minimum of physical activity.
  • Mental tiredness and no interest in doing work.
  • Excessive sweating with a bad odor
  • The feeling of tiredness all day.
  • Excessive hunger or thirst with excessive weight gain.
  • Sleeping for more than 9 hours a day.
  • Overstimulation, stress, and anxiety.
  • Felling jitters all the time. 
  • Body aches and joint pain
  • Digestive issues, constipation, bloating, heaviness and acidity.
  • Mental health issues like lack of self-esteem, and a delusional mind

Ayurvedic Remedies for Obesity

Ayurveda explains Obesity as a difficult-to-treat disease. But this famous quote from Ayurvedic text- “Swasthasya swasthya rakshanam, athurasya vikara prasamanam;” meaning Ayurveda stands for maintaining the health and curing diseases through a holistic approach explains that obesity can be treated easily using ayurvedic approach. Ayurveda offers a variety of natural treatments to help shed excess weight in a balanced and sustainable manner.

There are three stages involved in the management and Ayurvedic treatment of Obesity:

  1. Nidana Parivarjanam: Understanding the root cause of the disease and putting a stop to it. 
  2. Samana therapy: Pacifying treatment to cure the root cause and treating it with herbs, lifestyle modifications, and more. 
  3. Sodhana therapy: Purifying treatment to remove the toxins from the body caused by the disease and bring back optimum health. 

The first step is to understand the root cause of obesity. The primary reason for fat accumulation is due to bad eating habits and lifestyle. Here are some ayurvedic remedies for weight loss that can help you start your journey from heavier to healthier. 

Adopting an Ayurvedic Lifestyle for Obesity

Ayurveda believes in maintaining a ‘Dinacharya’- a routine of daily activity. It is a holistic and natural solution to sustaining ideal weight. Ayurveda also emphasizes using mindful eating behaviors, stress-relieving practices, and self-pampering therapies to achieve sustainable weight loss and improve overall health. Some Ayurvedic lifestyle tips for Obesity are:  

  1. Eating at Fixed Times: Missing meals or adopting irregular eating habits may interfere with digestion and metabolism. According to Ayurveda, one should eat at a set time, not take late-night meals, and observe emotional eating. Eating light, freshly cooked, and seasonal food can support a balanced digestive fire (Agni).
  2. Drink Warm Water: Drinking warm water during the day helps digest food, cleanse the body, and avoid building up toxins (Ama). It also serves to enhance metabolism and minimize unwanted fat buildup. It also helps reduce the chances of constipation and keeping your bowels clean to remove any unwanted buildup. 
  3. Sleep Well: Adequate sleep is important to control weight. Ayurveda recommends 6-8 hours of sound sleep to balance hormones, avoid cravings, and return to the body’s natural rhythm.
  4. Avoid Stress: Chronic stress can cause overeating and weight gain. Regular meditation, deep breathing exercises (Pranayama), and yoga balance the mind and body, suppressing stress-related cravings.
  5. Oil Massage (Abhyanga): A daily self-massage with warm sesame oil can stimulate circulation, encourage detoxification, and balance the doshas, especially Vata. It soothes the nervous system and facilitates stress reduction, indirectly helping with weight control.

Following an Ayurvedic Diet for Weight Loss

A balanced diet can do wonders for your body. Eating food that aligns with the season, and your body’s doshas, and fulfilling your nutritional requirements can help with the management of obesity. A balanced diet should contain fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and spices. Ayurveda also recommends mindful eating and selecting foods based on one’s dosha type to stay fit and avoid excessive weight gain. 

Moreover, according to Ayurvedic literature, food should be consumed in an adequate quantity. The quality depends upon the individual’s digestive power. Overeating can weaken the agni leading to unwanted fat accumulation. 

Ideally, one should only eat 2 meals a day- one meal around noon when the digestive fire is strongest and 1 in the evening. There should be a 3-hour gap between each meal. The quantity of the food- if we divide our stomach into 4 parts; half of the stomach should be filled with solid food, one-fourth with liquids, and the remaining quarter for free movement of Vayu to aid digestion. 

Recommended Foods to manage obesity:

  • Light, warm, and easily digestible foods facilitate proper digestion and avoid slow metabolism.
  • Incorporate spices like ginger, turmeric, black pepper, and cinnamon to boost metabolism, enhance digestion, and burn excess fat.
  • Whole grains like barley, quinoa, and millet are high in fiber and promote weight loss.
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits, particularly leafy greens, bitter gourd, and amla, detoxify the body and supply necessary nutrients.
  • Legumes and lentils provide plant protein and fiber and make you feel full for a longer time.
  • Herbal teas such as green tea, ginger tea, and cumin tea support digestion and fat metabolism.

Foods to be Avoided:

  • Heavy, cold, and oily foods delay digestion and cause fat buildup.
  • Excessive dairy products, especially cheese and cream, increase Kapha, causing weight gain.
  • Refined sugar and processed food upset metabolism and cause obesity.
  • Carbonated beverages and alcohol disrupt digestion and cause toxin accumulation.

Exercise – Yoga & Physical Activity for Ayurvedic Weight Loss

Daily exercise is an important part of Ayurvedic weight loss as it balances the body’s energies, enhances digestion, and increases metabolism. Contrary to intense exercises, Ayurveda promotes yoga and conscious exercises that align with your doshas, providing a holistic solution to weight loss.

Some of the best Yoga Asanas for Weight Loss are: 

  • Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)
  • Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) stimulates digestion, tones the core, and aids in burning hard belly fat. 
  • Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) tones the abdominal muscles, burns fat, and increases flexibility. 
  • Utkatasana (Chair Pose) works on the thighs, hips, and belly fat, building stamina and burning calories. 

Apart from yoga, ayurveda recommends 30-45 minutes of exercise including brisk walking, daily, swimming, and light cardio workouts to live an active life. Along with these physical exercises, following an Ayurvedic diet and mindful eating guarantees sustainable weight loss and overall well-being.

Ayurvedic Herbs and Supplements for Weight Loss

Some of the Ayurvedic herbs are most revered for their ability to burn fat and balance metabolism:

  • Triphala: A strong detoxifier that enhances digestion and metabolism.
  • Guggul (Commiphora Mukul): Facilitates fat metabolism and cholesterol control.
  • Garcinia Cambogia (Vrikshamla): Aids in reducing appetite and fat burning.
  • Punarnava: A diuretic that assists in water retention reduction and bloating.
  • Aloe Vera: Aids in digestion and detoxification.
  • Turmeric (Curcumin): Inflammation reduction and assists in fat metabolism.

The top Ayurvedic supplements for weight loss available at Ayurveda Megastore are: 

  1. Planet Ayurveda Garcinia Capsules
  2. Herbal Hills Garciniahills Capsule
  3. Life Aveda’s Kalmegh Capsules
  4. Kapiva Amla Juice
  5. Dr. Patkar’s Moringa Powder
  6. Pravek T Herbal Slimming Tea
  7. Dr. Bhargav’s Garcina Plus Capsule
  8. Maha Herbal Chitrakadi Vati
  9. Kapiva Aloe + Garcinia Juice
  10. Life Aveda Apple Cider Vinegar


Ayurveda offers a proven and natural method of weight loss centered on balance, detoxification, and mindful living. Incorporating Ayurvedic principles, herbal remedies, a healthy diet, and yoga can help you achieve sustainable weight loss and overall well-being

If you are tired of excessive weight and it feels impossible to get rid of, embrace the Ayurvedic lifestyle for the holistic long-term treatment you need. At Ayurveda Megastore, you can find top ayurvedic supplements that not only aid weight loss but also improve your overall health by improving metabolism and digestion. Embrace Ayurveda today and experience balance restored naturally!