Ayurvedic Superfoods – Natural Healthy Remedies

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Ayurveda is one of the oldest healthcare systems originated more than 5000 years ago and is still one of the most popular alternative medicine systems. Ayurveda’s approach works on the principle of ‘prevention is better than cure’. According to Ayurveda, food is medicine, and eating the right types of food can promote balance, vitality, and longevity. 

Many herbs and natural food sources are packed with micronutrients, minerals, antioxidants, and healing properties that nourish the body and mind from the inside out. Even a small quantity of these products works like a charm. 

These top ayurvedic superfoods not only help balance the three doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha but also support optimal health. These ayurvedic superfoods are also wonderful natural supplements for fat loss and keep you stress-free. 

Read on to explore how top natural superfoods can transform your overall health, keep away diseases, and help you lose weight naturally. 

Moringa (Drumstick Tree)

Moringa is an Ayurvedic superfood known for its high nutritional content, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. This “miracle tree” is beneficial for balancing all three doshas, improving heart and joint health, giving radiant skin, and supporting overall health. It’s rich in antioxidants and bioactive plant compounds and has been used for thousands of years for its medical benefits. 

How to incorporate it in daily life? 

The Moringa tree is native to north India and almost all its parts can be used for medicinal purposes. Moringa’s fruit – drumsticks are commonly used in curries in many South Indian dishes. Moringa powder can be used in smoothies and soups or as a supplement in your daily routine. It is also used as a key ingredient in Ayurvedic supplements for diabetes care, health tonics, and heart care supplements. 

Top Benefits of Moringa

Moringa is a versatile herb used for its multiple benefits. 

  • Moringa leaves are rich in vitamins A, and C, calcium, potassium, and protein, making it a great dietary supplement.
  • Regular consumption of Moringa powder helps in lowering bad cholesterol levels and supporting heart health.
  • Its high fiber content aids digestion and relieves constipation.
  • Moringa acts as a natural energy booster, providing sustained vitality without caffeine.

Desi Ghee (Clarified Butter)

Ghee, or clarified butter, is a staple in Ayurvedic cooking and is revered for its numerous health benefits. It is a saturated fat, rich in essential fatty acids, vitamins, and antioxidants. Ghee is considered a powerful rejuvenator and tonic in Ayurveda, especially for balancing Vata and Pitta doshas. Desi ghee is one of the best natural superfoods as it can improve heart health, control blood glucose, boost the immune system, reduce cholesterol, improve digestion, and many more. 

How to incorporate it in daily life? 

Ghee is a versatile natural superfood used in cooking, as a spread, or even added to herbal teas for a nourishing drink. Nutritionists recommend eating at least one spoon of Ghee every day for its high nutritional value. You can add it directly to soups, lentils, salads, or coffee for everyday consumption.  

Top Benefits of Ghee

  • Ghee stimulates the digestive fire (Agni) and aids in the absorption of nutrients.
  • It nourishes tissues and joints, promoting flexibility and reducing stiffness.
  • Ghee can enhance cognitive function, memory, and mental clarity.
  • Ghee also moisturizes the skin, heals dryness, and reduces inflammation.
  • It is an excellent source of vitamins K, A, and D.
  • Ghee is a saturated fat that lowers bad cholesterol and improves heart health. 
  • It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can heal inflammation and swelling. 
  • Ghee also helps in the production of skin collagen to rescue the signs of aging and keep the skin youthful and glowing. 

Ashwagandha (Indian Ginseng)

Ashwagandha or Indian Ginseng is one of the most popular ayurvedic herbs in many ayurvedic products and supplements. Ashwagandha is a powerful adaptogen used to manage stress and restore balance to the body. This root can strengthen the immune system, reduce anxiety, and improve stamina. 

Ashwagandha also helps control mediators of stress, including heat shock proteins, cortisol, and stress-activated c-Jun N-terminal protein kinase (JNK-1). It’s one of the most commonly used natural superfoods to reduce stress, improve athletic performance, and improve fertility. 

How to incorporate it in daily life? 

Ashwagandha root powder is used in many Ayurvedic supplements to improve male fertility, stress relievers, insomnia medication, and mental health issues. You can add pure ashwagandha tablets or ashwagandha root powder to improve stamina and relieve stress as an everyday Ayurvedic tonic.

Top Benefits of Ashwagandha

  • Ashwagandha lowers cortisol levels, helping to alleviate stress and promote a sense of calm.
  • It enhances physical and mental endurance, making it a great everyday supplement for those experiencing fatigue.
  • Ashwagandha can help with sleep disorder and promotes restful sleep by calming the nervous system and reducing anxiety.
  • It can be used as an everyday ayurvedic tonic to help balance hormones and supports reproductive health.

Amla (Indian Gooseberry)

Amla, also known as Indian gooseberry, is considered one of the most potent Ayurvedic superfoods or superfruit. One normal-sized amla contains vitamin C equal to 20 oranges, making it a superfruit. It is not only rich in vitamin C, but it also has antioxidants and strong anti-inflammatory properties. Amla is known to balance all three doshas, making it suitable for all body types.

How to incorporate it in daily life? 

Amla can be consumed in various forms such as fresh fruit, juice, or dried powder, and is a key ingredient in many Ayurvedic formulations like Chyawanprash. Amla is one of the key ingredients used in hair oils for stronger and shinier hair. Amla-based oil can be applied topically on scalp to moiturise and nourish hair. 

Top Benefits of Amla

  • Amla is packed with vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system and helps the body fight infections and diseases.
  • It enhances the digestive fire (Agni) without aggravating Pitta, making it excellent for digestion and detoxification.
  • It is known to nourish hair follicles, improves hair strength, and prevents premature greying.
  • Amla’s has a very high concentration of Vitamin C which helps the body to produce norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter that can improve brain function in people with dementia.
  • It is also good for eye health and fights against infection-causing bacteria to avoid pink eye and other eye infections. 


Ginger is a powerful Ayurvedic superfood known for its digestive and anti-inflammatory properties. It is widely used to balance Vata and Kapha doshas while igniting the digestive fire (Agni). Gingerol, the main bioactive compound in ginger has many medicinal properties. Ginger is a natural superfood used for ages to treat everyday nausea, digestion, bloating, and constipation due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. It is a great natural supplement for fat loss, reduces inflammation, lowers blood sugar levels, and even helps relieve morning sickness during pregnancy. 

How to incorporate it in daily life? 

Ginger can be used in multiple forms- fresh, powdered, dried, ginger oil, or juice. You can incorporate ginger into your diet by adding it to teas, soups, or stir-fries, or consuming it in raw or powdered form. It is also used in various ayurvedic tonics and supplements. 

Top Benefits of Ginger

  • Consumption of ginger stimulates digestion and helps relieve bloating, gas, and indigestion.
  • Ayurvedic supplements with ginger have strong anti-inflammatory properties that can help alleviate pain and inflammation in the body.
  • Ginger has immune-boosting properties, making it effective in preventing and fighting off infections like flu, the common cold, etc. 
  • It improves blood circulation, promoting overall cardiovascular health.
  • Ginger herbal tea is known to help with fat loss and reduce overall weight.
  • According to some research, ginger is as effective as acetaminophen or ibuprofen in relieving menstrual pain.


Ayurvedic superfoods provide a natural and holistic approach to health and wellness. By incorporating these nutrient-rich foods into your daily routine, you can nourish your body, support digestion, boost immunity, and promote balance between your doshas. Whether you’re looking to enhance your energy, improve your skin, or strengthen your overall health, Ayurvedic superfoods offer powerful benefits for long-term vitality. 

Ayurveda Megastore is a one-stop destination for buying the best quality Ayurvedic superfoods. Take your first step towards good health with these natural superfoods and start living a disease-free life!