Ayurveda’s Secret For A Long And Healthy Life

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In today’s era, people tend to rely more on modern medicines. The reason is instant relief. We are so used to instantly getting everything that we often forget that not everything that shines is gold. People simply pop a tablet for instant pain relief or fever or to subsidize allergies. We never care about what’s inside the tablet.

Its chemical composition, its long-term effects on our body, or any side effects associated with it. Many times, we don’t even need medicine to cure issues.

Change of place, foods, some physical activity, or changing the environment can also lead to better and improved health. But just as a force of habit, we keep relying on modern medicine. But these medicines only cure the symptoms and provide relief for some time.

On the contrary, you can use natural healing herbs to cure you from the inside and keep you healthy. Alternative medicine in the form of Ayurveda works on the root cause of ailments and uses herbal supplements to improve your overall well-being. Let’s dwell on the secrets of a long and healthy life with Ayurveda.  

What is Ayurvedic healing?

The experts define Ayurveda as a holistic healing approach that emphasizes healing the body from the inside. Ayurvedic medicine or supplements are made from various plant-based extracts derived from roots, leaves, stems, flowers, or the whole plant. 

Many Ayurveda supplements also use minerals found on the earth like swarna bhasma, Abrakh, etc. Historians trace the use of Ayurveda since prehistoric times, dating 5000 years back as a holistic healing therapy to the Sanskrit texts. 

Ayurveda is regarded as a pristine science, that brings your body, mind, and soul into harmony. Our body is made of five basic elements- Fire, Earth, Water, Air, and Space. These 5 elements create 3 doshas in our body- Vaat, Pitta, and Kapha. 

Ayurveda healing methods are predominantly based on keeping these doshas balanced with the use of herbs, lifestyle modification, body detoxification, and meditation. They help regulate and focus on our natural cycles such as walking, sleeping, working, and eating to boost health. 

Some prominent ayurvedic herbs with their benefits

  1. Ashwagandha: It is a small woody plant grown in India and North America. The roots and beetles of this plant are used to produce many popular ayurvedic supplements. Ashwagandha works as an adaptogen, and it helps the body manage stress, reduces the level of cortisol in the body, and works wonders to reduce stress and anxiety. It can also induce sleep by calming the mind.

  2. Guggul or Boswellia: This is a well-known plant resin, and has many utilities. It is a natural painkiller and is used in many Ayurvedic supplements that cure body inflammation and aches. It is used in many ayurvedic supplements that cure osteoporosis, Asthma, Inflammatory Bowel syndrome, Rheumatoid arthritis, etc. Research has also indicated that this medicine can also boost mobility.

  3. Brahmi: The plant of Brahmi has excellent properties and is commonly used as a brain and nerve tonic.  Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties make the whole plant useful to treat several chronic conditions by reducing the damage caused by free radicals. The studies indicate that this herb helps reduce the symptoms of ADHD, improves memory, and is even used in the cure of epilepsy.

  4. Cummin: A common spice used in almost every Indian household is the seeds of the Cuminum cyminum plant. It helps the digestive system to function properly. Cumin facilitates the release of bile from the liver and can ease digestive systems. It also helps reduce bad cholesterol, is a rich source of iron, detoxifies the body, and may help with keeping blood sugar levels low.

  5. Tulsi: it originates from India and holds a revered place in Ayurvedic medicine and Hindu traditions. Renowned for its adaptogenic and medicinal properties, It is believed to reduce stress, support the immune system, and improve respiratory health. Tulsi is also known for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties, making it a versatile herb for treating various ailments. It is commonly consumed as a tea, in Ayurvedic supplements, or as an essential oil. Tulsi is a natural remedy that promotes holistic health.

Ayurvedic Supplements for Health and Wellness

Ayurveda has a long list of Ayurvedic herbs, and the benefits they offer are immense. It is, therefore necessary to discuss the range of advantages the ancient ayurvedic therapy has to offer. 

  • Ayurveda Yogashram Remedies Immuno+ Gold Immunity Booster Capsules to boost immunity

Ayurvedic product helps to boost digestive systems. It is a chain reaction because once you digest the food better; there is an immediate build-up in the body’s immunity levels. It builds up body defense mechanisms against virus attacks. Ayurveda Yogashram Remedies Immuno+ Gold Immunity Booster Capsules help organically boost immunity booster and provide antioxidant support for all year-long immunity. 

  • Treat Digestive issues with Dr. Bhargav’s Cinnamon powder

The capacity to boost the digestive system for Ayurvedic medicine can offer a chain reaction, and it could lead to the shedding of body fat. Ayurvedic medicine like Dr. Bhargav’s Cinnamon powder boosts digestion, and you can achieve the objective easily. Ayurvedic medicines are a simple solution to a range of problems associated with digestion like bloating, acidity, low metabolism, etc. 

  • Skincare benefits of Ayurveda Herbal Hills Wheatgrass (Wheat-O-Power)

Along with the immense benefits for digestion, ayurvedic medicines also offer benefits for the skin. If you eager are to enhance your skin texture most naturally, there are plenty of ayurvedic herbs, that help you to achieve this objective. Chandan or sandalwood are prominent herbs used in the treatment of skin conditions. Herbal Hills Wheatgrass (Wheat-O-Power) helps flush out the toxins within and leave you with clear and glowing skin. It also has skin-soothing qualities and has a cooling and calm effect on the skin. 

  • Benefits of Ayurvedic hair wash powder Kairali Kairwash for Hair Treatments- 

Ayurvedic supplements can help to improve hair quality in both men and women. The experts suggest that certain hormone imbalances cause hair loss in both women and men. There are plenty of ayurvedic herbal supplements that can prevent hair loss, clarify the scalp, add natural shine to your hair, and help with improved hair growth. Regular use of Kairali Kairwash herbal hair wash powder makes hair strong, clarifies dandruff, and provides nourishment for long, lustrous hair. 


Until now we considered Ayurveda as an alternate healing approach. But it’s a lifestyle to keep our body naturally healthy and disease-free. Ayurveda supplements are made from naturally derived ingredients like butter, honey, milk, plant gum, minerals, ghee, etc. 

The Ayurvedic approach offers long-term relief as instead of fighting the symptoms, it looks into the root cause and provides long-term relief to patients. By understanding the concept of Ayurveda, we can consider Ayurveda as a source of a healthy life

If you are looking for a permanent solution to your health issues, Ayurveda is a solution that should be encouraged. Its benefits are the reasons people are constantly on the lookout for Ayurvedic medicines in Ayurveda megastores.  

We offer a wide product range of 100% authentic Ayurvedic products and supplements that can manage and cure many health issues. Switch today to lead a happy and healthy life with Ayurveda.