10 Tips to Improve Female Sexual Health with Ayurveda
Ayurveda views sexual health as the center of overall well-being. Female sexual health is deeply connected with inner wellness or body energy (Ojas). Sexual wellness dysfunction in women can lead to reduced energy levels, anxiety, depression, and illnesses.
Sexual interaction builds positive energy in the female body and keeps the hormones balanced, increases overall energy levels, and strengthens the body. Ayurveda believes in respectful and moderate sexual interaction to build high ojas in females. However with age, changes in body, stress, poor diet, and unhealthy lifestyle habits, women experience reduced libido affecting their sexual health.
Ayurveda offers holistic natural solutions to improve sexual health with a positive mindset, nurtured intimacy, and self-care. By following these tips, the female can naturally improve their sexual health and improve their quality of life.
What Causes Sexual Dysfunction in Females?
Decreased libido or sex drive in females can be the result of various factors. Reduced sex drive in menopausal women is normal. Major life changes like childbirth, lifestyle diseases, change of job, etc., can easily affect the female hormonal cycle and reduce sexual drive. These reasons may look like the culprit but the real villains causing sexual health issues are stress, lifestyle, unhealthy eating habits, and reduced connection with self and partner.
Our lifestyle is not just resulting in a weak immune system but also affecting our emotional well-being, which is directly connected to female sexual health. In most cases, emotional detachment, unresolved conflicts, and relationship problems are the root cause of female sexual dysfunction. Emotional issues, lifestyle, diet, and poor physical health contribute to reduced libido and decreased energy levels. Ultimately, sexual dysfunction leads to an unhealthy body and invites many lifestyle diseases and mental health issues.
Symptoms of female sexual dysfunction:
- Reduced sexual cravings
- Zero excitement
- Difficulty getting aroused
- Difficulty getting an orgasm
- Pain or trauma during intercourse
- Lack of vaginal lubrication
- No desire for intimacy
These symptoms can vary depending on the primary reasons for sexual dysfunction in females. But, it is important to remember that sexual dysfunction is common in every age and it can be treated effectively by following these ayurvedic tips to improve female sexual health.
Top Ayurvedic Tips To Improve Female Sexual Health
Improving women’s sexual health involves an Ayurvedic approach that focuses on healing body, mind, and soul. Once you balance your emotional and physical health, you can easily improve your sexual health naturally. Here are 10 Ayurvedic tips to rectify female sexual health issues.
1. Maintain a hormone-balancing diet
According to Ayurveda, female sexual health is directly connected with diet. A balanced diet not only provides nourishment but also plays a vital role in female sexual health. Foods that support the reproductive system and keep hormones balanced can work wonders to improve female sexual health. A balanced diet also keeps your body doshas balanced and provides essential nutrients required for proper body function. Foods to add to your diet to improve female sexual health are:
- Desi Ghee: Supports hormone production and improves lubrication.
- Nuts & Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, flaxseeds, and sesame seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and zinc, which enhance reproductive health.
- Dates & Figs: Natural aphrodisiacs that increase stamina and libido.
- Leafy Greens: Rich in iron and folic acid, essential for hormonal balance and menstrual health.
While some foods improve sexual health, certain food items should be avoided if you are suffering from sexual dysfunction.
- Processed and packaged food items
- Consumption of excessive caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco.
- sugary snacks, and drinks
- Deep-fried and oily food
2. Prioritize intimacy with self and partner
Ayurveda believes that intercourse is not just an act. It is about making an intimate connection with yourself and your partner. Many females face sexual dysfunction due to emotional detachment, self-loathing, or image consciousness. Ayurvedic approach towards sexual health explains that sex has to be a divine experience and can strengthen your relationship. Small acts of intimacy like massages, sexual conversation, exploring each other body, and other acts of intimacy can be incredibly restorative and improve female libido naturally.
3. Keep your Doshas balanced
Ayurveda explains that what we are is defined by our body doshas. So, female sexual health is directly related to imbalanced doshas. Vata-type women generally have low sex drive and they crave more for a caring romantic partner. They need emotional connection for a healthy sex drive. When they don’t find that emotional intimacy, they can face low libido and imbalanced vata.
On the other hand, pitta-dominance makes females fiery, impatient, and erratic. They often try to dominate with sex. For them, a sexual encounter is a competition that leads to emotional detachment and incomplete satisfaction. Pitta types feel unsatisfied as they tend to look for impersonal sexual encounters.
Overall, imbalanced doshas can either make females erratic and unsatisfied with their sex life leading to stress, and anxiety or it can make them tired and emotionally vulnerable to avoid sexual intimacy. So, it is important to keep doshas in balance with physical activity, a good diet, and doahs balancing ayurvedic supplements.
4. Ayurvedic herbs to the rescue
Ayurveda has a treasure of sexual health-boosting herbs that nourish reproductive tissues, enhance libido, and balance hormones. These aphrodisiacs are completely natural. Many Ayurvedic brands make Ayurvedic supplements for female sexual wellness using high-quality Ayurvedic herbs. The best Ayurvedic herbs for female sexual health include:
- Shatavari: it naturally enhances fertility, balances hormones, and supports reproductive health.
- Ashwagandha: It is a powerful adaptogen that reduces stress and enhances sexual desire.
- Safed Musli: It is a potent aphrodisiac that can improve stamina, energy levels, and reproductive function.
- Kaunch Beej: It naturally enhances dopamine levels, boosting mood and libido.
- Gokshuru: It is known to improve the hormones responsible for sexual drive and also increase blood flow to genital areas.
Ayurvedic herbs for female sexual health are available as supplements at the Ayurveda Megastore. You can take them in powdered form with warm milk or as supplements.
5. Change with changing seasons
Ayurveda focuses on changing our routines with changing seasons. It also applies to sexual routines. Sex is a warming activity that drains your energy, especially during hot weather. It can also lead to dosha imbalance and exertion, ultimately reducing your sex drive. To keep your sexual health optimum, reduce sexual intercourse during summer. While autumn and winter boost your energy levels, you can enjoy the act and intimacy more during cold weather.
6. Follow a Daily Routine (Dinacharya)
A well-structured daily routine (Dinacharya) helps regulate the body’s natural rhythms, including reproductive health. A dinacharya positively impacts female sexual health by improving overall health, managing hormone fluctuations, and reducing stress. Your dincharya helps you to rest properly, manage your day, and take time for yourself and your partner to improve intimacy. A well-structured routine includes:
- Waking up early (before sunrise) to sync with nature’s cycle.
- Following at-home detox practices to keep unwanted toxins away from the body.
- Spend 10-15 minutes to connect to your central energy and your body to increase body positivity.
- Eating meals at regular times to maintain digestive health and nutrition levels, is necessary for female sexual health.
- Sleeping by 10 PM to regulate the female hormonal cycle.
7. Improve internal energy and open chakras with yoga & meditation
Stress is a major contributor to hormonal imbalances and low libido in females. Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of yoga, pranayama (breathwork), and meditation to calm the mind and restore sexual vitality. Regular meditation and deep breathing exercises like Anulom Vilom and Bhramari Pranayama, can open the chakras, reduce stress and enhance overall well-being. Some yoga poses that can improve female sexual health are:
- Bhujangasana or the Cobra Pose can stimulate reproductive organs.
- Baddha Konasana or the Butterfly Pose improves circulation in the pelvic region.
- Ustrasana or the Camel Pose opens the heart and boosts energy.
8. Practise Abhyanga
Abhyanga is a daily detox practice that helps you connect with your body, improve blood circulation, and remove toxins from your body. A 10-15-minute daily self-massage with warm herbal oils can reduce stress, and enhance sexual energy.
Ayurveda recommends sesame oil for self-massage as it nourishes reproductive organs and boosts energy. Ashwagandha oil is also a great alternative as it has aphrodisiac properties to soothe your nerves, reduce anxiety, and promote relaxation.
9. Strengthen the pelvic floor with exercises
As any physical workout can enhance your muscles, simple everyday kegal exercises can improve pelvic strength to help improve vaginal sensitivity and strength. According to Ayurveda, pelvic floor strengthening exercises, called Mula Bandha are important for female sexual health. Practicing Kegel exercises can:
- Improve blood circulation in the pelvic area.
- Enhance vaginal health and lubrication.
- Prevent issues like urinary incontinence and weak pelvic muscles.
10. Cultivate Emotional & Sexual Wellness
Sexual wellness starts with emotional well-being. If you are physically fit but emotionally blocked, no matter how many diets you follow, you can never improve your sexual health. To improve emotional health and enhance desires and intimacy, you need to practice open communication. With open communication, self-love, confidence, and emotional connection, you can easily overcome sexual dysfunction and increase sexual satisfaction.
- For healthy relationships, practice open communication with your partner and try to learn about their needs and desires. These heart-to-heart conversations contribute to emotional and sexual well-being.
- Foster self-love and confidence to improve your sexual health. The first step towards emotional well-being is self-love. Become confident about yourself and create a positive self-image. It directly resonates with a better sexual experience.
Other than these 10 tips to improve female sexual health, our body needs to be free of health issues to have a good sexual drive. To keep the body in optimum health, stay hydrated with herbal infusions like fenugreek tea, and incorporate spices like ginger, cloves, and cardamom in your diet. These simple, at-home remedies can boost your blood circulation and improve vaginal health leading to increased sexual desires.
Final Thoughts
Ayurveda is not just a healthcare science, it’s a way of life that can help us with any unwanted disease with simple yet impactful practices. Female sexual health ayrevdic remedies focus on improving the physical, mental, and emotional balance. Through Ayurvedic herbs, nutrition, self-care activities, and conscious lifestyle modifications, women can naturally improve their libido, and balance reproductive hormones, and overall health. Adopt an Ayurveda lifestyle to overcome female sexual health issues and feel the change in your sexual desires and reproductive well-being.