Ayurveda Face Care: Natural Solutions for Radiant Skin

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Who doesn’t want flawless radiant skin is it even possible today? In a world full of chemical-laden products, finding good skincare products has become as hard as drinking ocean water. We have a lot of it but it doesn’t work! So what’s the solution for healthy and radiant skin? The answer is simple- Ayurveda! 

Ayurveda face care is a time-tested and effective solution for all your skincare vows. Ayurveda face care focuses on balancing the body’s internal energies or doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) to promote long-lasting skin health. By using Ayurvedic oils for skin, ayurveda face care products, and Ayurvedic supplements made with herbal ingredients, you can achieve a radiant, nourished complexion without relying on harsh chemicals.

The Dosha Connection on Skin Health- Ayurveda Skin Care

Normally we categorize skin into oily, dry, sensitive, or combination, but according to Ayurveda, each person’s skin type is linked to their unique dosha balance. It can be overwhelming to find the right solution for glowing, healthy skin without understanding your skin type. Once you understand your dosha, you can tailor your ayurvedic skincare routine.

  • Vata Skin tends to be dry and prone to fine lines. It needs more moisturizing and hydration to combat dryness with natural moisturizing oils like almond oil and sesame oil.
  • Pitta Skin is typically sensitive and prone to redness or inflammation. Cooling ingredients like sandalwood and aloe vera are ideal for calming irritation.
  • Kapha Skin is more oily and can be prone to breakouts. Balancing this dosha requires light, detoxifying ingredients like neem and turmeric.

Each skin type needs both external and internal care to be at its best. We advise consuming an ayurvedic diet to pacify your doshas and give your skin nourishment ayurvedic skincare supplements can make a difference in your complexion, texture, and quality of skin. 

Everyday Ayurvedic Rituals for Healthy Skin

Skincare is not only about your face. Skin is one of the largest body organs and our whole skin needs nourishment to fight signs of aging, dryness, and dullness. By incorporating Ayurveda face care practices into your routine, you can give your skin the tender love and care it requires to stay healthy. Ayurvedic skincare is not complicated. Here are some simple steps to incorporate into your daily routine. 

  1. Cleansing with Natural Ingredients: rather than using chemical-laden soaps or cleansers, ayurveda suggests using gentler products derived from natural sources for cleaning. Use Ubatan from chickpea flour, raw milk, lemon honey, turmeric, etc. to cleanse your skin. You can also use ayurvedic skincare products from Ayurveda megastore with 100% natural ingredients. Top ayurvedic brands like Himalaya, Mantra, Khadi, and Jiva Ayurveda have body washes and soaps specializing in different dosha-dominant skin types. 
  2. Daily Oil Massage (Abhyanga): Use natural oils like coconut or sesame to massage your body and face to improve circulation and hydrate the skin. This practice of Abhaynga is an important step in your dincharya as it helps nourish your skin, calms down your nervous system, improves blood circulation, and removes body toxins to keep your skin glowing. It also reduces stress and promotes relaxation, essential to keep your skin from aging. 
  3. Herbal Face Scrubs and Masks: Face masks and scrubs remove dead cells and detoxify your pores. Ayurveda skincare suggests using natural ayurvedic scrubs and facemasks from Ayurveda megastore once a week. Ayurvedic facemasks are made with natural  ingredients like sandalwood, turmeric, aloe vera, honey, etc to detoxify the skin and enhance its glow naturally.
  4. Sleep for better skin: As sleep is one of the most important ingredients for a healthy body, the same applies to good skin. A proper 8 hours of sleep gives ample time to the body to detoxify waste, process the nutrients, and reduce the stress of the whole day giving skin ample time to heal and absorb nutrition. 


Ayurvedic Oils for skin as per your doshas

Ayurvedic oils for skin are key components of Ayurveda face care routines. These ayurvedic oils are natural moisturizers and also contain herbal properties that nourish the skin from within. Here are some of the best Ayurvedic oils for glowing, healthy skin:

  • Jiva Ayurveda Kumkumadi Oil: Made from saffron and other Ayurvedic herbs, it is a powerful remedy for acne, pigmentation, and dark spots. It promotes an even skin tone and radiant glow. Priyangu, one of its main ingredients derived from Pilawati(an ayurvedic herb), provides a cooling effect and reduces sun damage on the skin.
  • Ecotyle Extra virgin Coconut Oil: Known for its cooling properties, coconut oil soothes inflammation, making it perfect for Pitta skin types. It is also an excellent carrier oil and can be mixed with any essential oil of your choice to give a little extra to the skin. 
  • Mantra Potchouli and Pomogranete massage oil with cold pressed sesame Oil: Ideal for Vata skin, sesame oil is deeply nourishing, providing hydration and fighting signs of aging. This massage oil helps remove dead skin cells and deeply nourishes skin to soothe inflammation and improve blood circulation. 
  • Axiom Neem Oil: A go-to for Kapha skin, neem oil helps control excess oil production and prevents breakouts. It can be applied directly or mixed with light face oils to prevent breakouts and reduce inflammation and infections. 

Top Ayurvedic Supplements for Ayurvedic Face Care

  • Planet Ayurveda Neem Capsules– Help to maintain healthy skin and support overall health and well-being. Neem oil is highly bitter and helps to purify the blood and eliminate toxins
  • Life Aveda Glutathione Effervescent Tablets– support collagen formation and aid in managing premature aging. Its main ingredient- Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant crafted to manage dark spots, pigmentations, UV ray damage & dull skin naturally. 
  • Dr. Bhargav’s Daruhaldi Capsule– This capsule is anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory and helps in managing acne by preventing the growth of acne-causing bacteria and reducing inflammation. 
  • Cipzer Natural Vitamin C Capsule- The Cipzer Natural Vitamin C Capsule aids in skin regeneration and acne treatment.  It helps to prevent premature aging.
  • Butterfly Ayurveda Moringa Leaf Infusion– Moringa Leaf Infusion is an ayurvedic way of detoxifying the body. This infusion helps balance Vata & Kapha Doshas. It promotes digestion and is good for the eyes and the skin.


Ayurveda skin care provides a holistic approach to achieving radiant skin through natural means. By understanding your dosha and using Ayurvedic oils and supplements from Ayurveda megastore for your skin, you can build a personalized skincare routine that balances your skin’s unique needs. Say goodbye to chemical-laden products and embrace the wisdom of Ayurveda for long-lasting, healthy skin!