Top Ayurvedic Rituals For a Healthier Life

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We all agree that the lifestyle we are stuck with today is nowhere ‘healthy’ and this unhealthy way of life is inviting tons of negativity, stress, and diseases into our lives. So, what’s the better way? Well as cliche as it sounds, Ayurveda has been in practice for more than 5000 years now, and those who follow an Ayurvedic lifestyle have led a better disease-free life. 

In our day-to-day life, our mind and body are at a stage of burnout every day. This is why we preach turning towards the Ayurveda way of life is the best thing you can do for your life and body. These top Ayurvedic rituals can turn around your life, keep you stress-free, and nurture your body, mind, and spirit. These rituals can be seamlessly integrated into your daily routine and you can see the difference they bring to your life. Read on to learn more about top Ayurvedic rituals for a healthier life

Fix your sleep cycle

‘If you had a good night’s sleep, you will have a great day’. Your first step toward a better life is getting 8 hours of sleep. The first Ayurvedic ritual is to sleep at 10 PM, as between 10 pm and 2 pm, our body detoxifies itself. Sleeping at this hour can give your body rest during this hour can make you feel more energized in the morning, especially in winter.  Fix your daily routine to have a proper sleep cycle and stick to it most of the time. 

Start Your Day with Oil Pulling

Another Ayurvedic ritual is Oil pulling, an ancient Ayurvedic practice that involves swishing oil in your mouth to promote oral health and detoxification. 

Upon waking, before eating or drinking anything, take a tablespoon of cold-pressed sesame or coconut oil. Swish the oil around in your mouth for 5-20 minutes. Make sure to pull the oil through your teeth and around your gums.

Spit out the oil and brush normally. This simple Ayurvedic ritual is believed to draw out toxins from the body, reduce harmful bacteria in the mouth, and improve oral hygiene.

Tongue Scraping for Detoxification

Our tongue can be host to a lot of toxins that develop overnight. The ayurvedic ritual of tongue scrapping should be a part of your daily oral hygiene. This practice helps remove toxins, known as “ama,” from the tongue, which can accumulate overnight and lead to digestive issues if not removed.

After brushing your teeth, use a tongue scraper- copper or steel, to gently scrape your tongue from back to front. You can repeat this process at night after brushing too to keep your mouth clean and smell fresh.

Practice Abhyanga – Self-massage with Warm Oil

Abhyanga, or self-massage with warm oil, is a deeply nourishing Ayurvedic ritual that helps balance the doshas (Vata, pitta, and kapha), improves circulation, and promotes relaxation. It is a wonderful way to relax and connect with your body. This self-care ritual not only moisturizes your skin, but improves blood circulation, clams nervous system, and reduces stress at the same time. 

You can choose any oil according to your dosha- sesame oil for vata, coconut oil for pitta, and sunflower oil for kapha. Use warm oil to gently self-massage head to toe with long strokes and circular motions to release the knots and you feel calm. Continue this massage for 10-20 minutes before shower. 

This self-massage can improve blood circulation and help eliminate unwanted toxins from your body. These few minutes you spend on self-massage can keep you stress-free the whole day.  Allow the oil to penetrate your skin for 15-20 minutes before a warm shower.

Follow Nasya: Nasal Cleansing for Mental Clarity

Nasya is an Ayurvedic ritual for nasal clearing. It is performed to clear the nose and the infections causing bacteria inside the nose that we inhale while breathing. This ritual involves administering herbal oils or ghee into the nostrils to clear the nasal passages, enhance mental clarity, and balance the mind. This ayurvedic ritual is especially beneficial during the changing seasons or when you are mentally sluggish.

Take a warm medicated oil and put 2-3 drops into each nostril. Inhale deeply and let the oil penetrate your nasal cavity. Wait for a few minutes till the oil is absorbed. This oil not only kills the toxins inside the nasal cavity but also protects the nose from unwanted disease causing germs to enter the nose. 

Drink Warm Water to Improve Digestive Health

Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of digestion in overall health. Adding warm water to your routine is one of the best ayurvedic rituals to incorporate into your everyday routine. Warm water in the morning activates your digestive fire and helps eliminate waste from your body. Sipping on warm water or herbal teas throughout the day can help improve digestion, detoxify the body, and balance the doshas.

The correct way to prepare the best drinking water is to boil it first, let it cool down for a while, and drink it when it is warm. You can also drink herbal teas using ingredients such as ginger, cumin, fennel, coriander, or tulsi. These herbs are known for their anti-inflammatory properties, aid in digestion, and improve metabolism. 

Meditation and Pranayama for Inner Peace

Meditation and pranayama are powerful Ayurvedic rituals that promote mental and emotional balance. These rituals help calm the mind, reduce stress, and cultivate inner peace. Spend 10-20 minutes of your mornings on breathing exercises and meditation. They not only clear your mind, but they also reduce stress and increase blood oxygen levels for better blood circulation. 

You can start with simple pranayama practice- Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril breathing) by closing your right nostril with your thumb, inhaling through your left nostril, switching sides, and exhaling through your right nostril. Repeat for several cycles.

Practicing pranayama and medication can reduce stress and anxiety, improve concentration, and promote emotional balance and inner peace. 

Final Takeaways- Embrace Ayurveda for a Healthier Life

Incorporating these simple Ayurvedic rituals into your daily routine can lead to a more balanced, healthy, and fulfilling life. You can nurture your body, mind, and spirit with these time-tested practices and create a harmonious environment that supports overall well-being. You can follow these time-tested Ayurvedic rituals and see the improvements they bring to your life. 

These are not the only ways to make your life better. Ayurveda treasures many herbs, practices, and supplements that can improve your day-to-day life and keep you disease-free naturally. You can find the right products to support your health and these Ayurvedic rituals at Ayurveda Megastore. We offer a wide range of Ayurvedic products and supplements. Whether you need herbal oils or teas, the Ayurveda Megastore has everything you need to embark on your journey toward better health.